I thrive on sun. I need it for survival. Now that I live in the upper part of our hemisphere and working an inside job I find myself craving the shiny orb. So that means weekends I am out all day. (Much to the horror of my dermatologist.)
My day started off greeting the sun by sunbathing at 6am in the park across the street. Its a good time to sunbathe in Boston since you'll draw less gawkers. In Miami you still would get harassed by the boys who stayed up all night at the clubs partying and then wanted to see the sunrise.
A long bike ride with a stop over for a tasting at Marshall's Fenway Farmstand.
My day ended at the Jamaica Pond watching the sunset. Not as dramatic as Santa Monica, but still nice.

Sunday there was another festival right across the street in the Southwest Corridor. The Green Roots Festival drew a fun bunch of hippies and bikers for a ride to benefit Bikes Not Bombs, based right here in Jamaica Plain. They even had a great little race for the tykes (and adults who thought they could fit on a tricycle.

Afterwards I headed over to the first free outdoor swing dance in Copley Square. They'll be happening every Sunday from 1-4pm this summer. I wished they had started before it got so damn HOT, but it was still a blast. Next time I wear as little as possible and bring a towel to wipe the sweat off. This was probably a better workout then the gym.
My bike home from the dance was slow and arduous. But I'm glad I made it. We ended the sunny weekend with a heavy thunderstorm and a summer bbq. Drinking watermelon beer and munching on potato salad and grilled tuna I wondered how much better the summer could get. What's your perfect summer weekend?
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